What Exactly are our engineers looking for and checking when they carry out a service?
What exactly are our engineers looking for and checking when they carry out a service?
When Constant Power Services engineers carry out a service on an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) system, they typically perform a range of checks and inspections to ensure the UPS is operating optimally and to identify any potential issues.
Service visits are typically performed twice a year in line with manufacturers’ guidelines and can be carried out within normal working hours or outside of normal working hours ie. nights or weekends, depending on the needs of the business or building being maintained. Constant Power Services offers flexible service plans to maintain from single units to multiple units.
Here are some of the key areas UPS engineers typically focus on during a service:
Initial Checks
Overall Visual Inspection
Engineers will visually inspect the UPS system for any physical damage, check for correct operation and access and load observations. We check for physical damage, which can be caused when objects or items are left on top of the UPS that should not be there or building works are being undertaken. We also check the correct operation of moving parts such as fans, and ensure there are no current alarms on the UPS. Access and load observations are made to ensure when we carry out necessary remedial maintenance, we have suitable room to carry these out and load observations make sure your UPS load isn’t unbalanced across phases or the load is too high and has outgrown the unit provided.
Environmental conditions.
UPS systems can be sensitive to environmental factors and engineers will assess the surrounding environment, such as ambient temperature, surface temperature of the batteries, UPS and some internal boards to ensure they are within the manufacturer’s recommended range. We would provide recommendations if the environment the UPS is in is too hot, too cold, is in an excessively dusty environment, or there is moisture or damp in the room. Poor environmental conditions will have a negative effect on both the UPS and the batteries, and will decrease the life expectancy of them.
Fans and cooling
Engineers will examine the fans to ensure that they are functioning correctly to ensure proper heat dissipation as well as inspecting the fans for dust or debris. Replacing fans is a key part of the Constant Power Services remedial packages and can really prove beneficial to the longevity of the UPS.
Firmware and software updates
UPS systems often have firmware or software that requires periodic updates to ensure optimal performance, bug fixes or security enhancements. Engineers will check the current version and update it if necessary so that the UPS utilises the latest features available.
Alarms and notifications
Engineers will review the UPS’s alarm logs and notification settings to ensure any potential issues are properly reported and recorded. The UPS stores information relating to historical events that may benefit the business in optimising its UPS backup. The engineer will reset any UPS and Battery service alarms.
If an additional communications card is installed, this can be configured or adjusted to the alarm notifications to the needs of the customer and the UPS.
Components check
Constant Power Service engineers will measure internal components such as capacitors to ensure they are within the manufacturer’s specifications. Degrading can happen over a period of time and can occur faster if the environment isn’t ideally suited. We will also check the operation of fans, and batteries and ensure any cables are free of damage and correctly tightened.
Calibration on some parts can also be carried out; this would usually mean the UPS display measurements are verified and within tolerance.
Battery inspection
UPS batteries are crucial in providing backup power for your load. Engineers will visually inspect the battery for any leaking, swelling or terminal corrosion, and measure the battery voltage and the overall health of the battery. Usually, a 5-10 minutes battery test is carried out safely with the customer’s load, where battery measurements are taken to ensure each battery bloc is healthy. If a low bloc is found, we’ll recommend the replacement of that bloc. Battery age also plays a factor, as over the years, they will deteriorate and won’t perform as well as when first installed.
Thermal runaway can occur when a trigger event, such as physical damage to the battery, internal short circuits, overcharging or exposure to high temperatures. This can sometimes be spotted by the swelling of the battery casing. This is why correct environmental and charging is pivotal in a long and healthy battery life.
Functional Testing
As part of our functional testing, we will transfer the UPS to static bypass and then manual bypass where possible. We will then perform a mains failure (in a controlled manner to ensure the load is not interrupted) to guarantee the UPS functions in the event of a genuine mains power failure.
Life Cycle check
Our service team is trained to be aware of a product’s lifecycle, whether this be at the component level or the unit as a whole. On our service visit, where applicable, our engineers will make recommendations based on factors such as the age, condition, the environment or parts having been measured out of recommended tolerance. The recommendations could be for remedial works, overhauls or a new product – see what recommendations could be made.
Documentation and reports. Constant Power Services engineers will update the service report which will be sent to you and the service record booklet kept with the UPS. The report produced will provide a comprehensive overview of the UPS condition and maintenance and recommendations for the future, as detailed within this blog.